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Sunday, 28 October 2012




Right now, I am reading a book titled “History of the Arabs” by Prof. Philip K.Hitti (Macmillan, student Edition, Tenth Edition, 822 pages). I have scarcely read a more engaging historical book and I wish I had written it. The book handles the subject of Arabia, Arabs and Arabians across the widest canvas covering history, geography, culture, religion etc. The Islamic history is only 1300 years old but Arabia’s name, fame and influence go back to nearly 4000 years back. When I would finish the reading of the book, I would fancy bringing out a series of enlightening blogs on the subject.

Mind you, this book came out in 1937! Never mind that as it essentially covers a range of nearly 4000 years. I am reading the Tenth edition, updated and reprinted, as of 1979! And, surprise of surprises, I don’t find the place called SHUWAYMUS mentioned in the voluminous index-section at the end. So, I have discovered something today, of enormous significance to us, of which Prof.Hitti was unaware! What is it?

Do you remember all those great things said about Arabian traders from ancient times, and about the fanciful Arabian Nights etc? Yet, I would say that the land was greatly disadvantaged due to the enormous desert areas and very little development has happened there till oil became wealth. Despite its enormous history, it seems to have very few tourist places of interest even today for the average international traveller.

Out of curiosity, I was browsing the internet contents on touristic places in Saudi and most of them are mosques. But out of a dozen touristic places generally mentioned, a place called Shuwaymus totally flabbergasted me. Just take a look at the sculptures found there, shown in the photo below.

 My God, I could not believe my eyes! I googled for “shuwaymus” and there were just 49 entries on it. Many of them, when opened, repeat like a parrot the following text.

Rock Carving Site

Shuwaymus is yet another Rock Carving Site in Saudi Arabia that has been recently discovered. The rock arts at this place tell us a lot about the domestication of animals in the early times. This place had been home to the Neolithic people and this Saudi Arabia Rock Carving Site tells you that the country had not always been a desert and has undergone plenty of climatic alterations.


To me, the sculptures look like old sculptures we see at Indian temples, in caves etc. It is perhaps possible that Indian master craftsmen went over there long, long ago and executed such marvelous figures. I just cannot believe that this could have happened. I have seen similar stone sculptures made by Indian master-craftsmen in the distant Angkor in Cambodia and in Indonesia (Prambanan and Borobodur). They are UNESCO Heritage sites and are well-known to tourists throughout the world.

The above write-up on Shuwaymus says that the rock carvings were “recently discovered”. How recent is it? I have been unable to find any material on it except for an article available at this URL which you could open and read: http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/200202/art.rocks.in.saudi.arabia.htm
The above mentioned article is by one Peter Harrigan and another Lars Bjurstrom. A significant para from the article is as follows (on the Shuwaymus sculptures):


“The darker ones are the oldest,” he explains, showing a life-sized figure, depicted with a characteristic oval head, holding a curved, boomerang-like throwing stick and followed by a short-horned bovine. “Now let me show you our prize figure, an ancient ruler.” Finely incised in the dark patina of desert varnish is a life-sized male human figure with a crown-like headdress. Nearby is the curved horn of an ibex reaching and arching to its back, its face complete with a small beard.


I would suppose that the human figure with “crown-like” head-dress is a reference to the sitting figure we see in the photo. From the article, it is clear that this discovery is about only 10 years old!  I wonder whether any Indian archaeologists have gone over to Shuwaymus to study the sculptures which seem to be Indian handiwork.

There was a huge trade between India, Middle East, Egypt and Rome even before the Christian era. The trade routes went through certain parts of Arabia, and Arabian traders were buying from the Orient. It is said that Arabs worshipped Shiva idols and other images in Kaba (in Mecca) as a part of more than 300 gods they worshipped before Islam came in.

I am very disappointed that more pictures about the sculptures extant in Shuwaymus are not available. It is equally disappointing that there are hardly any write-ups about the sculptures on the Net . If the readers can unravel any and bring it to my notice, that will be greatly appreciated.


POST SCRIPT (29 Oct, 1 pm)
My friend Mr.K.Padmanabhaiah IAS retd wrote to me an email as follows:
I hope you have included the correct pictures because these pictures are so clear that there cannot be any doubt whether they represent humans etc.
The first and enduring impression I get on seeing these pictures is that you have by mistake attached pictures from the Kailas Temple, Ellora.
I am sure you visited Ellora. These picures totally resemble "Ravana Shaking Mt.Kailas". Ravana’s face is disfigured (in the lower portion).But one can imagine that Ravana’s heads and uplifted arms were there in the original.
The figure in the upper portion is clearly Shiva sitting on Kailas.


I checked the Ellora sculpture and also the Elephanta cave sculpture of "Ravana lifting Mount Kailas", and it looks as if the Elephanta sculpture's photo has been used in the Saudi tourism sites! The Elephanta cave photo is reproduced below from the Net:

 It is thus pretty clear that the Elephanta sculpture/photo has been wrongly used by the various parties that have given the touristic write-up about Shuwaymus! This is unpardonable indeed! Surely the Saudi Government should ensure that outside tourists are not misguided. My special thanks to Mr.K.Padmanabhaiah for the corrective enlightenment he has brought along! I am giving below the sites which give the photo as pertaining to Shuwaymus:

 I am also posting below a photo of the Ellora sculpture of Ravana lifting Mount Kailas, which is different from the Elephanta sculpture in compositional details:


Saturday, 20 October 2012




Capitalism has many forms, and “free-market capitalism” has brought the USA and even Europe to the present  financial crisis. I have just finished carefully going through a book titled “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism” by Ha-Joon Chang (of S.Korean origin). It fascinatingly demolishes the case for Free-Market Capitalism (that ruled the USA for 3 decades) in which there is over-dependence on supply-demand factors with inadequate regulations and correctives. Capitalism should go with regulations.

The free-market idea has to be debunked. Historically the free-market theorists even shouted hoarse when child employment was banned. They shouted hoarse when 60 hour work per week was reduced. Author says that today’s free-trade economists would have hated to buy things made by their own grand-fathers who put in very long hours of work in inhumane conditions. Total free-trade is  meaningless. The British Government foolishly hung on to free-trade in opium and the war with China happened.

Modern capitalism was made possible by the device of Company with limited liability. Earlier to it, there was no limit on liability and promoters were afraid to invest.  Adam Smith who advocated free-markets opposed the concept of the Limited Liability Companies on the assumption that the managers would play havoc with the Capital due to limited liability! Karl Marx supported the idea of Limited Companies since large capitals could be collected and invested. However, the professional managers (ex: Jack Welch of GEC), from 1980, while managing the company’s capital well, went in for “shareholder value maximization” (giving maximum dividends) and ignored building of surplus/reserves from the company-profits for re-investment. Industrial investments came down and the growth rate in USA came down. Jack Welch later admitted that share-holder value was the “dumbest idea in the world”. So, good economics means a good balancing act, without too much favour to one actor/factor.

Free-market economists/advocates sometimes don’t see the consequences of their advocacy.  If there is totally say a free migration of labour from India to the USA, will they accept it? They don’t realize that there are Immigration Laws implemented right under their nose, which mock at their ideas.

The author ridicules the prevalent over-enthusiasm of the free-market advocates for the idea of “globalization”. The globalization has meant the shifting of manufacturing industries from the West to the cheaper Orient. The West has thus become a “post-industrial society” giving practically all the room to service sector. Jobs have been lost and an imbalance has set in.

The author believes that the present “internet revolution” is nothing compared to the “washing machine revolution” nearly a century ago. With the washing machines that save time coming into one’s life, women took to working in office. With both husband and wife working, the opportunity cost for having children rose up! This brought in more far-fetched changes in society than the changes due to internet! So it seems that we can blame broken marriages, divorces, increasing old age people and reducing youthful population, on the hapless washing machine!

The author goes to great lengths in attacking Adam Smith’s observation on selfish butcher, brewer and baker. Smith said that these guys are there to serve you not out of altruism but for their selfish interest. I came to my own conclusion that the correct term is “survival interest” and not “selfish interest”. If it were selfish interest, the butcher or the baker will not share his income with family members.

One very interesting thesis the author adduces is that free-market in the world cannot make a poor country rich. He says that protectionism alone made USA, UK etc rich. Having become rich, they want to capture other markets through free-trade and free-market. Only partially is this stand correct. The East Asian tigers (South Korea, Taiwan etc) do demonstrate the fact that “freer-trade” (and not “free-trade”) is what is responsible for their prosperity.( There is no such thing as “free trade” -we have only “freer trade” under WTO regime-as free trade would mean zero restrictions on the movement of capital and labour across the world.)

Economists and Governments of many developing countries seem to think that their countries should pass from agricultural economy straight to service economy skipping the manufacturing stage since in the rich West it is the service economy which has ultimately become preponderant. In India manufacturing is much less compared to China. The author emphasizes the danger in belittling the role and importance of the manufacturing sector. Productivity growth is faster in manufacturing than in service. Services are also much less tradable than manufactured products. It will be thus wrong to think that India could also go into de-industrialization as has happened in the West. India should, I too feel, welcome huge investments in manufacturing as happens in China, instead of hugely relying on software production.

The free-market economists would like Governments to play the least role in national economies. That means that Government should be a mere onlooker. These economists forget that computer, semi-conductors, aircraft, internet and bio-tech industries have all arisen from Governmental efforts. Huge moneys have been spent by the US Government in R and D in these areas.

The author says that the individual entrepreneurship capacity of the nationals in a poor country is much more than in rich countries. That explains how these poor individuals are managing to survive. Yet, why are these people unable to make their country rich? The author blames the Governments of the poor countries for not properly channelizing the entrepreneurship capabilities of the citizens. However this is easily said than done. I should think that regulated capitalism is the only panacea here. Companies should be formed, they should invest, they should resort to recent technologies, they should employ people, they should make profits which should be mostly reinvested and so on. The Bangladesh model of individual entrepreneurship through Grameen bank loans has failed. The workers should be “collectivized” in a sense.


As per the author, reckless free-market operations over two decades led to the big crisis beginning 2008. The Government of the USA went into huge budget deficits year after year. The citizens borrowed freely with no thoughts on how they would repay. The financial market, in fact, had a major role in the recession. Financial instruments and products went on multiplying so much that the banks and Financial players themselves failed to understand them properly. Warren Buffet had the premonition to say that financial derivatives were going to be “weapons of financial mass destruction”.

But for the US Governmental intervention in saving many Banks, the motor industry etc, by pumping billions of dollars, the extent of the downfall of US would have been great. This is still not being appreciated and accepted by free-market economists. These economists believe that a sick person (say, sick industries) must be allowed to die rather than tax payers’ money spent on his medication. The role of Governmental intervention and regulation has never been more important at any time than now in the crisis-situation. Mitt Romney is all for free-market and his prescriptions that keep governmental action at bay, may not help the USA economy to revive in case he becomes the President.





(with tongue in cheek)

One has read hundreds and hundreds of books which was a pre-emptive reason to needlessly add one more to it, namely, Facebook! In fact I am in the process of re-reading the books I had read since most of their contents are forgotten. A very important author, I remember, told me, “If you have not read my book, give it a second reading”. This has always puzzled me.

I could have waited for a personal invite from Mark Zuckerberg. He must now be a worried man since the share prices are down despite one billion users. But what made me join Facebook a couple of weeks ago was the fact that one brother started posting my childhood photos in his space and wanted clarification about the details of the venue of the photo, name of the photographer etc. I did have a faint idea of those things notwithstanding that childhood memories are strong and old-age memories are weak!

I posted my profile photo and a cover photo. The profile photo was taken by a nephew and since my face was positioned with strongly streaming sunlight from behind, my age gets nicely covered up. The cover photo is the one taken by me of a ship that got stranded thirteen years ago in front of my house during a storm that affected the Arabian Sea! So you have two drownings there at one go.

Within a day after my enrolment, I went through the FB (Facebook) pages of my relatives. Like the Kauravas we run into hundreds, and that happens in traditional joint families. The surviving children in an average family could be eight to ten but if you reckon natural abortion, post-natal childhood death, fatal accidents etc, each mother could be proud of nearly a dozen deliveries.

I was curious to know what kind of friends my relatives on Facebook had. Each of my relatives had friends in the range of 300 to 1000. I suspected a competition between them. I now come to the point. All this was enough to give me an idea to do a Ph.D.. I enrolled myself immediately with the Mumbai University. I have even already submitted a synopsis, and expect to finish the thesis before 21 Dec 2012 just in case the world would go kaput on that date.

For my thesis I needed to pick parameters, templates, models (I thought of Dia Mirza for a second) etc and be prepared with regression analysis, digression calculus, impression arithmetics, distribution graphs etc.
I started with profile photos. The largest number showed a single face. Next in count were photos with spouse. Then came profile photos of dogs. Then came photos of flowers which meant that the owners were not good looking and did not even have a dog. I built up detailed statistics on these and worked out a working model which can be replicated by others and would have universal application!

The number of friends was directly proportional to the beauty/handsomeness of the FB account-holder. This can be established without any semblance of doubt. I tried to build a universal pattern on this performance platelet.

The “likes” were invariably found to have a higher count than “comments”. The rough proportion came out to be 3:1. This is witness to the situation that people have less time to comment than to like. If the entry is from USA/Europe, the likes to comment ratio can go up to 10:1. I found that In Mongolia and Siberia where people have more time, the like to comment ratio is almost 1:1.

As for the photos posted, the largest relates to holidays and foreign locales. Photos showing cats and dogs and other pets (pythons, rabbits etc) take the second place. Party photos take the third place. Golu photos take the fourth place.

The number of writers on FB that I could access is disappointingly low. The writers (writing outside and not on FB!) mercifully provide a link for easy access for us to read. Writing is a nearly dead human habit, replaced by SMSing . People have basically become photographers, and there are more photos than texts on each account. The photos are usually taken with cell phones and the uploading is so urgently and impatiently done that almost all photographs are dark with little correction for brightness and contrast.
Sometimes it is difficult to say which is the dog and which is the human face in a photo.

My thesis writing is in supersonic momentum thanks to the great sociological puzzles that are so interesting to unravel. I should be publishing the thesis into a book and please be on the look-out for an alert that you would receive from Flipkart soon for free home delivery for a price of Rs.999!


Saturday, 13 October 2012


Original singer: Ms.Shreya Ghosal
Here is my version/rendition.
Vs gopal
13 Oct 2012

This is a very sweet and popular song in a female voice from the movie SAAWARIYA (2007). Music was by Monty Sharma and lyrics were by Nusrat Badar. The on-screen actors are Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor.



Thode badmash ho tum
Thode Naadan ho tum
[Thode badmash ho tum
Thode Naadan ho tum
Haan magar yeh sach hai
Hamari jaan ho tum]2

Meri saanson ki jhankar ho tum
Mera solah shringar ho tum
Meri aankhon ka Intezar ho tum
Mera eemaan meri shaan mera maan ho tum

Thode beimaaan ho tum
Thode shaitaan ho tum
Thode beimaaan ho tum
Thode shaitaan ho tum

Haan magar yeh sach hai
Mere Bhagwaan ho tum
Thode.ummmm um u mm m
Ummmm Nadan ho tum.
Umm umm um u m ummm
umm haan haaan haaan
hmhmm badmash

Thursday, 11 October 2012




A couple of months back I attended a book discussion session in Nehru Centre, Mumbai; and the book that was being discussed was “Accountability – Angst, Awareness and Action” written by Mr.Jay P.Desai (Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (India) and pages: 228). The “Accountability”, it must be clarified, is in regard to governance by the Government.

The author Jay Desai  was the CEO of a Consulting Firm and he was shaken by the 26/11/2008 terrorist attack that happened  in Mumbai  which took both the State Government of Maharashtra and the Central Government by shock and surprise. Nearly 150 persons were killed and 300 persons were injured in the terrorist attack. Desai began to search into the reasons for the failure of the Governments in preventing the Mumbai  massacre. Surely there was a failure in governance and a failure in accountability on the part of the Governments. But as he researched, he expanded the scope of his research going back to ancient times. The book is the outcome of his detailed research.

To us participants in the book-discussion, the author Jay Desai himself made a power-point presentation containing the summary of his findings and the various salient points in his book. One of the important questions he posed was: “Who is to ensure the accountability of the top pillars of the government, namely the legislature, the executive and the judiciary?”  And the answer is that there are three agents in the nation which have to play a supervisory role. They have to be vigilant and should monitor and ensure that the pillars of the Government are functioning properly. And these three agents are (1) citizens (2) civil society and (3) media.

So, remember, that the real watchdogs in a democracy are the three agents, namely, the citizens, the civil society and the media. They informally stand on a higher pedestal than that of the Government machineries and have to play an important role in questioning and exposing acts of mis-governance by them. They have to play an important role in ensuring proper accountability by the Governmental Organizations which can tend to grow authoritarian, erratic, unresponsive, corrupt, evil etc.

It is here that the Congress has totally failed in its perceptions. Congress thinks that the MPs cannot be questioned by the citizens, the civil society or the Media. Maybe this failure of the Congress is deliberate, in order to obfuscate issues and misinform the nation. In every TV discussion you can see Renuka Chaudhary asking others, “Who are you to say it? You fight an election and become MP”! It is as if only the MPs are the final authorities and none can question them!

The various megascams by the Congress led UP would have remained under the carpet, despite the CAG reports, but for vigilant citizens like Dr.Subramanian Swamy, responsible groups of civil society like Team Anna, India Against Corruption, CPIL (Centre for Public Interest Litigation) etc and active Media Channels like Times Now, India TV and some others. The Media in general is scared of exposing the Congress because of its striking and punishing power. And it is generally said that many media houses are trotting out only paid news in favour of the corrupt government.

And today we have seen Headlines Today Channel with its expose called “Project Dhritarashtra” in which it has come out with the results of its detailed investigations into an NGO run by the Law Minister Salman Khurshid. Salman Khurshid and his wife Louise Khurshid have been found by the Channel’s investigations, with supporting evidence made available to the TV viewers, guilty of misappropriation of nearly Rs.71 lakhs of Governmental grants (given by Social Welfare Ministry). There are grants by other Ministries too and if one goes back to say 10 years, Salman Khurshid and Louise Khurshid could be guilty of misappropriation of several hundreds of crores. The grants were shown as used by showing false names and false certificates. They could be charged with cheating, breach of faith etc and may have to go behind bars if justice has a free hand. This same Salman Khurshid was defending Robert Vadra the other day and was heard saying that he would die for his leader Sonia who is perhaps the pinnacle of corruption in India as perceived by the common citizens excluding the Congressmen.

We have now come to a stage where the Central Ministers keep denying all the scams. It is not just sufficient to remove them from power. They should be criminally proceeded against and got suitably punished. As no criminal action will be initiated by the Government itself, it is for the agents like civil society to go to the Courts in the matter. Meanwhile the Media has to project before the people the evil acts of our leaders so that the public is properly informed. And we are happy to witness more and more Media agents losing fear of Sonia and her henchmen and coming out fearlessly with their exposes on the Government.


Tuesday, 9 October 2012




Original singer:  Mohd. Rafi sahib
Here is my version/rendition.
Vs gopal
9 Oct 2012

A very popular song by the great Rafi sahib that nearly integrated Momin's famous "Tum mere paas hote ho goya jab koi doosra nahin hota". The film was LOVE IN TOKYO (1966) and the music was by Shankar-Jaikisan. Lyrics were by Hasrat Jaipuri. The on-screen actors were Joy Mukherjee and Asha Parekh. The original song had three antaras but the meragana.com karaoke, which I have used,  has provided for only two antaras.


LYRICS (lyricsmasti.com):
o mere shaah-e-khoobaan, o meri jaan-e-janaana (shahe khuban=king of sweethearts; jaanejanana=sweetheart)
tum mere paas hote ho, koi doosra nahi hota

kab khayaalon ki dhoop dhalti hai
har kadam pe shama si jalti hai
mera saaya jidhar bhi jaata hai
teri tasveer saath chalti hai
o mere shaah-e-khoobaan ...

tum ho sahara mein tum gulistaan mein (sahara=desert; gulistan=garden)
tum ho zarron mein tum bayaanbaan mein (zarra=atom)
main ne tum ko kahaan kahaan dekha
choop ke rahate ho tum rag-e-jaan mein (rage jaan=jugular vein)
o mere shaah-e-khoobaan ...

meri aankhon ki justaju tum ho (justaju=search)
iltaja tum ho aarzu tum ho
main kisi aur ko to kya jaanu
meri ulfat ki aabaru tum ho
o mere shaah-e-khoobaan ....





The Congress, a Party that fought patiently,  valiantly and non-violently for decades to get Independence for India, and then established a reasonable level of good governance in the country for nearly three decades after it, is now seemingly on death-bed with multiple organ failure, which let us look into. You can still never tell and there is always the outside chance of the Party limping back to life but terribly crippled.


The brain was the pride of this Congress body. It established a clear vision and gave the right directions to all the limbs to work in good coordination under Jawaharlal Nehru. He was a giant of an intellectual and a perfect patriot. With Nehru gone, the brain atrophy led to Indira indulging in corrupt and erratic body politics. When brain-thrombosis led to Indira’s elimination, a docile and unknown section of the brain in the form of Rajiv took over. When this section of the brain that acted erratically suddenly diseased in violent circumstances, a foreign implantation in the traumatized brain took over governance despite poor and unknown credentials.

This foreign implantation has played havoc with body politics since 2004 as revealed in the last 5 years. This brain is in a silent mode mostly. Its constant signals are to the stomach to eat more and more.


The stomach has been the most abnormally active organ in the system. This follows endless swallowing of public money. Huge ulcerous deposits known as CWG, 2G, Coal-G, Jiyaji etc have been found in the stomach.


The heart has almost stopped functioning. This heartless situation is evidenced from the cries of the poor and the underprivileged and of the middle classes and of the “suiciding” farmers. Steeply rising food prices, increasing hunger and poverty, rise in prices of petrol, diesel, LPG etc, get no reaction from the near-dead heart.


The functioning of the kidneys of the Congress has become very erratic and inefficient. The dirty blood circulating in the system is not kept cleaned. As a result, black money keeps fast circulating everywhere, damaging the arteries too.


They say that deep spirituality can bring a dying body to health. However, the Congress has shown little sense of spirituality. Influenced by imported religions that resort to money tricks or force for proselytization, what has been evidenced are totally anti-spiritual acts like degrading of the Hindu religion, arresting of the head of Kanchi Mutt, driving of Baba Ramdev and his followers with lathis and tear-gas etc. So, it is difficult to see any spiritual salvation for this dying near-corpse.


The mouth has become highly cancerous. Every utterance is a lie or a falsity.


This is evidenced from the total mess and incapacity in being able to take the people along, leading to paralysis of projects and general life. The Kudankulam nuclear project and the Jaitapur nuclear project, after mammoth investments, are not taking off. Assam has become a communal cauldron. Maharashtra irrigation is almost at a stand still despite monumental investments. Telangana matter is creating havoc in Andhra. Paralysis in governance is visible almost everywhere.


These are intact and are working in top gear. (See the cases of ND Tewari and Abhishek Manu Singhvi).  However this cannot infuse life into a dying body.
